Expectations, effort and costs
Legal and licenses
DeepGreen account information
Affiliation file
Important information for institutional repositories can be found in the guide DeepGreen – Open Access Transformation: A Guide for Institutional Repositories
A comprehensive overview is also provided by the guide DeepGreen: Open Access-Transformation in the Information Infrastructure – Requirements and Recommendations
Technical documentation
DeepGreen is being developed open-source and the code can be viewed at
Available interfaces for publishers
Verfügbare Schnittstellen für Repositorien
The repository account
To participate in DeepGreen, institutional repositories must be registered with the Electronic Journals Library (EZB) in Regensburg.
If this requirement is met, an account can be applied for at DeepGreen. With the allocation of a new repository account, a (unique) 32-digit ID and a so-called API key are generated, which is required for access to the expected full texts.
This account is used to log in to DeepGreen as a repository operator in order to
- find out your own ID and API key,
- view and download the current article allocations,
- Check the current settings of the match-config file (affiliation file), download it or upload a new match-config file if necessary,
- Check and adjust the DeepGreen account settings in general (password, SWORD settings for automated item data delivery, if applicable).
The affiliation file
With this special file (a .csv file with exactly six columns: Name Variants, Domains, Grant Numbers, Dummy1, Dummy2 and Keywords) an institution specifies with which (name) affiliations it would like to have publications assigned.
- The columns Dummy1 and Dummy2 have no function in DeepGreen so far and should therefore always remain empty. These columns are left free for future extensions.
- In any case, exactly five commas must be given per line.
- All columns are read in and interpreted as unicode strings. For internal processing within DeepGreens, the nfd normalisation of unicode is used (vgl.
Example of an affiliation file
The first line (header) is unchangeable and must always read as follows
Name Variants,Domains,Grant numbers,Dummy1,Dummy2,Keywords
Academia Friedericiana Erlangensis,,,,,
Academia Friderico-Alexandrina Erlangen-Nürnberg,,,,,
Academia Friderico-Alexandrina,,,,,
Academia Regia Bavarica Friderico-Alexandrina,,,,,
Academia Regia Friderico-Alexandrina,,,,,
Bayerische Friedrich-Alexanders-Universität,,,,,
F.A.U. Erlangen-Nürnberg,,,,,
FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg,,,,,
Friedrich Alexander University,,,,,
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen,,,,,
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg,,,,,
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität zu Erlangen,,,,,
Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen,,,,,
Königlich-Bayerische Friedrich-Alexanders-Universität,,,,,
Univ. Erlangen-Nürnberg,,,,,
Universidad de Erlangen-Núremberg,,,,,
Universidad de Erlangen-Nürnberg,,,,,
Universitas Literarum Regia Friderico-Alexandrina,,,,,
Università di Erlangen-Nürnberg,,,,,
Universität Erlangen,,,,,
Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg,,,,,
University Erlangen-Nuremberg,,,,,
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg,,,,,
University of Erlangen-Nürnberg,,,,,
The more, the more comprehensive and the more precise the information in this file, the more accurately DeepGreen can find out from the publishing metadata of an article whether the publication in question can be assigned to an institution or not.
Stay in touch!
Please feel free to use the mailing list “” to exchange information with other DeepGreen users:
With the assignment of a password, the previous message archive can then also be viewed and searched.