Our Goals
DeepGreen is a delivery service for open access articles. We supply open access repositories with publisher content. Automated, legally compliant and targeted.
In doing so, we as DeepGreen strive for the following:
- Technically reliable service for the allocation and delivery of publishers’ content.
- The guarantee of common metadata standards and formats.
- Targeted monitoring options and statistics.
Above all, we aim to increase the proportion of open access publications in repositories in Germany and beyond. We would like to invite all publishers and repositories to participate in DeepGreen: Join in!
The library network Kooperativer Bibliotheksverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (KOBV), the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and the University Library of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) are currently working together on DeepGreen – while maintaining their legal and economic independence. This is a project without its own legal entity. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
01.03.2022 // Article in „o-bib : das offene Bibliotheksjournal“
Julia Boltze, Annika Höllerl, Monika Kuberek, Stefan Lohrum, Heinz Pampel, Markus Putnings, Regina Retter, Beate Rusch, Hildegard Schäffler, Konstanze Söllner. “DeepGreen: Eine Infrastruktur für die Open-Access-Transformation”. In: O-Bib. Das Offene Bibliotheksjournal, hrsg. vom VDB, 9 (1) 2022, S. 1-13.
10.09.2019 // Article in the Open Access Journal „GMS Medizin-Bibliothek-Information“
Beate Rusch, Julia Boltze, Thomas Dierkes, Julia Alexandra Goltz-Fellgiebel, Hedda Staub. „DeepGreen – DeepGold: Open-Access-Transformation – Entwicklung und Perspektiven“. In: GMS Medizin – Bibliothek – Information, 19 (1-2) 2019.
02.04.2019 // Congress contribution in „o-bib : das offene Bibliotheksjournal“
Julia Alexandra Goltz-Fellgiebel, Markus Putnings. „Open-Access-Transformation mit DeepGreen: Gemeinsam den (grünen) Schatz heben“. In: O-Bib. Das Offene Bibliotheksjournal, hrsg. vom VDB, 6 (1) 2019, S. 1-11.
11.04.2017 // Open in Action in Berlin-Brandenburg
Wolfgang Peters-Kottig, Beate Rusch, Thomas Dierkes. „Open in Action in Berlin-Brandenburg. . Open-Access-Projekte wissenschaftlicher Einrichtungen aus Berlin und Brandenburg 2016“, Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin, S. 56-57.
URN: urn:nbn:de:kobv:11-100245927
17.12.2016 // Congress contribution in „o-bib : das offene Bibliotheksjournal“
Markus Putnings, Beate Rusch. „DeepGreen – Entwicklung eines rechtssicheren Workflows zur effizienten Umsetzung der Open-Access-Komponente in den Allianz-Lizenzen für die Wissenschaft“. In: „o-bib : das offene Bibliotheksjournal“, hrsg. vom VDB, 3 (4) 2016, S. 110-119.
31.10.2016 // KOBV-Special edition for the Open-Access-Week 2016
Beate Rusch, Thomas Dierkes. „Das DeepGreen-Projekt“. In Kooperativer Bibliotheksverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (Ed.): KOBV-Sonderedition zur International Open Access Week 2016 „Open in Action“. 28 S.
DOI: 10.12752/3.oa.1.1
DeepGreen started as a multi-year DFG project funding with two phases. In the first project phase from 2016 to 2017, DeepGreen focused on licenses specifically funded by the DFG since 2011 and negotiated on a supraregional basis between publishers and libraries, the so-called alliance licenses, which contain special Open Access regulations. And, of course, to the fundamental technical development of the DeepGreen data hub.
From 2018 to 2021, the second project phase integrated further licensing models, such as open access transformation contracts, licences for subject information services (FID) or even golden open access models, and further developed the service for subject repositories in addition to serving institutional repositories. As of 2019, DeepGreen initially delivered data from seven publishers to 56 repositories on a nationwide level.
In the current pilot operation, DeepGreen is being further expanded and is working on the prospect of a sustainable funding model.